Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I'm still alive; just a little less so... than before...

Do you know the major difference between a stroke and a migraine headache? - The outcome. The symptoms are alarmingly similar: headaches, distorted vision, numbness, etc.

The past few weeks I’ve had some headaches but also been really tired all the time. I guess it’s just season related, but one does get worried when one’s relatives recently suffered a stroke.

Anyway. I know I’ve been rather sporadic and inconsistent with my entries lately; I’m still so very tired. I really do believe it has to do with winter blues, so I’m thinking of buying a Phillips goLITE Blu and see if that can make me more alert during the dark season.

I reckon I probably leave you all with great discontent by writing this crappy and unstructured post but consider it an ‘I’m still alive’ post.

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