Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I'm still alive; just a little less so... than before...

Do you know the major difference between a stroke and a migraine headache? - The outcome. The symptoms are alarmingly similar: headaches, distorted vision, numbness, etc.

The past few weeks I’ve had some headaches but also been really tired all the time. I guess it’s just season related, but one does get worried when one’s relatives recently suffered a stroke.

Anyway. I know I’ve been rather sporadic and inconsistent with my entries lately; I’m still so very tired. I really do believe it has to do with winter blues, so I’m thinking of buying a Phillips goLITE Blu and see if that can make me more alert during the dark season.

I reckon I probably leave you all with great discontent by writing this crappy and unstructured post but consider it an ‘I’m still alive’ post.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


This is what I mean, this is what this blog and my life is about right now: I'm pushed to the limit; driven to the verge of my capability.
I have three exams and two novels due next week. If I don't get a chance to slow down and catch my breath soon I will probably crash.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

2nd Entry

"I'm on a train. The sun is setting, but the sky is yet glowing in the distant"

That's as far as I got before I had to abandon what should have been my 2nd post.
Anyway, here we go again: Now it's time for bed, or rather the floor, since I'm traveling and staying at a friend's place. I should be tired, but my mind keeps spinning, so I reckon I won't be able to drift into unconsciousness for another half hour or so.

...my mattress smells funny.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

First Post

I’m starting to like this. My blog, that is. I almost feel at home here already, so to the rest of you I bid you welcome to the official abode of my thoughts; the blog of the current phase in my life that will be touching subjects like studies, my solitude,  my worries and sadness but also my opinions regarding politics, psychology, society and whatnot whenever I feel I have the time and the urge to share them. There’s a slight risk I will be flaunting my ignorance here to, so brace yourselves!

This first post can be considered a warm-up. I hope you’ll like it here and that my future posts will not scare you away, that you will show courage and stick with me ‘til the end.